Airbot Omnibus F4 Nano V6.1 Flight Controller
The Airbot’s V6 brushless AIO flight controller has been updated to version V6.1. This FC is small but is packed with many features. With Support ending for F1 processors, F3 becomes the bottom wrung, but don’t worry, this little board features an F4 MCU.
Its Betaflight OSD is connected over SPI in DMA, don’t know what that means? It is designed on the current proposed architecture for betaflight, it will show you any and all data you want on your FPV feed and you can change settings including tuning your PIDs without taking your goggles off!
The board also features an MPU6000 gyro connected over SPI for fast, accurate, low noise gyro data and can support 2-6s direct input. That’s right, up to 6s on this 20×20 FC! And lastly, it features a built-in LC filter and voltage sensor, making it a beast!
If you plan to use the FC with the Airbot 4in1 ESC(Wave or Ori 4in1), you only need one 8pin Cable (The optional 8pin 4in1 Cable)
What’s new on the V6.1?
- New BEC
- Type C USB
- Added S.Port/F. Port support
- Protect diode on VBAT input side
- New 4-in-1 socket defined (Airbot new standard)
- SBUS receiver moved to RX1
- Firmware 100% compatible with Omnibus F4 Nano V6
- Mounting Holes changed to M4, grommets supplied
- 2-6s direct input (adaptor to connect to Wave 4in1 ESC providing power and ESC signal connection (note Wave is 2-4s))
- MPU6000 gyro connected by SPI for low noise, clean, high-frequency gyro samples
- BMP280 Barometer to enable altitude hold
- Betaflight OSD
- Onboard voltage sensor
- Onboard 5v regulator, components rated to 2A – recommended 1A max to prevent heat build-up)
- Built-in L-C filter to provide clean power to FPV kit
- STM32 F405 MCU running betaflight 3.2
- Pin headers for SBUS/PPM input
- Output for 4 motors on JST-SH 1.0 8pin plug connects to Airbot Wave 4in1 ESC (The Option 8pin 4in1 Cable)
- 25x25mm (20x20mm M3 mount holes)
- 1 x Flight Controller